The Viirtue platform only guarantees 6 months of CDR storage. Today we allow 1 year storage as a courtesy. If you would like to keep your call history data forever, we recommend setting up a scheduled export. Many clients will upload this right to AWS or Google Cloud as they offer highly affordable FTP storage.
Adding a CDR Schedule
- Log into the Portal with a scope of Office Manager and higher and navigate to Call History and click on Scheduled Exports.
- Once in the Scheduled Exports menu, press the New Export button on the upper right part of your screen; as shown below.
- The following window will be shown. This allows you to configure specific options of the Report you are scheduling.
- The fields that will be displayed are described below.
- Name - Enter the name of the scheduled report you are creating.
- Type - Specify the time duration that the report will cover. The possible types are: Monthly, Weekly, Daily and Custom. These are described in more detail below.
NOTE: All times for report execution are based on the time zone of the user creating the scheduled report. All report data is in UTC/GMT.
- Monthly - This will execute the export on the desired day of the month at 12am of that day, and will capture CDRs from that date to the previous month's date; for example, September 3rd to October 3rd and will repeat again every month.
- Weekly - This will execute the export on the desired day of the week at the chosen time of day, and will capture from that date to the previous seven days worth of CDRs; for example, June 13th to June 20th, and will repeat again seven days later.
- Daily - This will execute the export every day at the chosen time of day, and will capture 24 hours worth of CDRs from that time; for example, June 14th 8am to June 15th 8am, and will repeat again 24 hours later.
- Custom - This will allow the user to choose their own Capture Period, Start Time, Time Zone and Repeat Cycle. The images below show the various configuration options as well as the drop-down menu options.
- Run this export immediately- This will signal the export to be run after creation. This will take the capture period (1 month, 1 week, 1 day, or custom) from the time of creation and create an export; as shown below.
- After Completion- After the compilation of the CDRs is complete, the user can choose from several different options; as shown below.
- Do Nothing - This will allow the user to simply download the export from the Portal only. (See Export History)
- Email Attachment - This will allow the user receive an email that has the export as an attachment
- Upload via FTP/SFTP - This will allow the user to have the export be uploaded to a remote repository vita FTP/SFTP, provided the user gives the right credentials
- FTP and SFTP Fields:
- Hostname: the hostname where the export will go, do not put the port. Example:
- Username/Password: the username and password that is authenticated and has access to the server
- Remote Path: starting from root, the path the export should go to. Needs to be allocated beforehand, the cdr tool will NOT create the directory. Example: /Viirtue/
- Email Notification/Email- (this will be automatically required if “Email Attachment” was chosen). Will send an email to the desired email address notifying that the export is ready to be downloaded. If the user has “After completion” as “Email attachment” the email will contain the attachment
- After clicking Next the user is brought to the Options portion of the CDR Schedule; as shown and described below.
- Reseller - This allows the user to filter out CDRs under one particular reseller. Leave blank to see all reseller calls. (This option is only allowed for super users and is defaulted to the reseller of any users with lower scopes)
- Domain - This allows the user to filter out CDRs under one particular domain. Leave blank to see all domain calls. (This options is only allowed for resellers and higher and is defaulted to the domain of any lower scoped users)
- User - Which will allow the user to filter out CDRs under one particular user. Leave blank to see all user calls. (This option is allowed for all scopes)
- Include Inbound calls - Toggles whether or not to see inbound calls; the default value is yes.
- Include Outbound calls - Toggles whether or not to display outbound calls; the default value is yes.
- Include headers - Toggles whether or not to see headers in the generated CSV file; the default value is yes.
- Off-net Calls Only - Toggles whether or not to see ONLY off-net calls; the default value is no.
- Format - This allows the user to select a pre-defined format; that includes specific fields in each type; as shown and explained below.
- Advanced (default) includes: Call Type, Domain, User, BTN, Time Start, Time Answer, Duration, Remote Number, Dialed Number, Caller ID, Orig IP, Term IP, and Release Cause
- Standard Includes all data associated with a CDR, which includes: Call Type, Domain, User, BTN, Time Start, Time Answer, Duration, Remote Number, Dialed Number, CallID, Orig IP, Term IP, Release Cause, Territory, Cdr_id, Orig_from_name, Orig_req_uri, Orig_req_user, By_sub, Time_answer, Time_release, Time_talking, Hide, Tag, Id, Hostname, Mac, Cdr_index, Orig_match, Orig_domain, Orig_group, Orig_from_user, Orig_from_host, Orig_req_host, Orig_to_uri, Orig_to_host, By_action, By_domain, By_group, By_uri, By_callid, Term_match, Term_domain, Term_group, Time_ringing, Time_holding, Time_insert, Time_disp, Release_code, Codec, rly_prt_0, rly_prt_a, rly_prt_b, rly_cnt_a, rly_cnt_b, image_codec, image_prt_0, image_prt_a, image_prt_b, image_cnt_a, image_cnt_b, video_codec, video_prt_0, video_prt_a, video_prt_b, video_cnt_a, video_cnt_b, Disp_type, Disposition, Reason, Notes, Pac, Orig_logi_uri, Term_logi_uri, Batch_tim_beg, Batch_tim_ans, Batch_hold, Batch_dura, By_id, Route_to, Route_class, Orig_territory, Orig_site, By_site, By_territory, Term_territory, Term_site
- Basic Includes the same data fields as if you exported via the Call History page. This includes: Call Begin, Call Type, User, BTN, Duration, Disposition, Reason, Notes
- Press save and you will have created a CDR Schedule.
Article ID: 104, Created: 5/19/2023 at 4:40 PM, Modified: 5/19/2023 at 4:40 PM